
Copy and Paste With Vim

so-long ctrl+c ctrl+v

Rather than highlighting text with your mouse and using ctrl+c, insert mode, then ctrl+v to copy and paste your text, vim has functionality enabling you to copy and paste without lifting your fingers from the keyboard.

If you see insert in the bottom left, hit escape. screenshot

We want it to look like this. screenshot

Move the cursor to the beginning of the text you would like to copy, then hit v to enter visual mode. screenshot

Move the cursor to highlight all of the text you want to copy. screenshot

Hit y to yank (a.k.a copy) the selected text. Move the cursor to where you would like to paste the text, then hit p to paste the text. screenshot

The copied text remains in the buffer and you can paste as many times as you would like by continually hitting p. screenshot

This might feel harder at first, but as you get the hang of it, this will allow you to get your work done much faster.